How do I know you’re the real deal?

I have been an artist for over a decade, a photographer for 5 years. With all that I have learned, continue to learn from experience, I will go above and beyond for you. I also have been placed on the Dean’s list for my work on my Bachelor’s from RMCAD for my work proficiency and efficiency.

How long will it take to receive my photos?

The art of photography is an intensive endeavor, one that requires attention to detail. I aim to maintain a turnaround of one album completion per client. There may be critical components that require focus and precision to perfect. If you have any questions in regards to the progress of completion of said works, please direct them to Marshall@Rowan.media.

I already paid you to be here, why can’t you just give me all the photos now?

You really want the all-black photos I took when I was calibrating my camera to your style? Do you want the super blurry one where you sneezed? My job is to make sure everything is perfect. That means refining the recorded images down to the most impressive moments truly indicative of that feeling. I want to do the work that you’re paying me for!

Why does this look like something I could have taken on my phone?

Though flat images may simply appear to be identical to what it is that you find on your phone, they are far more than what may just initially meet the eye. If your phone really can perform identically to what it is that my cameras and I are capable of, you’re welcome to try, but I will do whatever it takes to be more than what a phone is.

Are your photos gluten-free?

…Yes? Yes. They are. Do not eat your photos.

Any other questions?

Please address them to Marshall@Rowan.media, thank you very much for your consideration!